Weathering is a durational exhibition project that began in 2019, experimenting with different ways to trace time, respond to unknowns, and recognise change. It is guided by curator Katie Lenanton and artist Bogna Wiśniewska, and shaped in dialogue with artists Josephine Baan, Bebetton (Eeva Rönkä & Jani Purhonen), Biitsi (Kaino Wennerstrand & Heidi Wennerstrand), Océane Bruel, Jessie Bullivant, Teelah George, Gian Manik, and Minna Miettilä.
It began with an invitation to entrust the weather with artworks made of different materials, including delicate drawings, bean-studded foam sculptures, and dense embroideries. Some were protected and weather-proofed, while others endured being exposed to the winter. It was hoped that after seven months outside on Bebetton’s rooftop, the resulting exhibition would articulate—through artworks—the importance of care, support, and protection within collective processes.
To conclude the project at Titanik, a limited number of free 2022 artwork-calendars will be distributed. The calendars document the Weathering process, and continue the project’s rhythms into the new year. These will be presented alongside seasonal contributions by Josephine Baan, Bebetton, and Océane Bruel; an opening art bar featuring mushroom infusions made in Mustarinda Residency last November; textiles by Bogna Wisniewska capturing collectivity; and the conclusion of ”A Bad Sign”, by Jessie Bullivant, which has been unfolding in between exhibitions in Titanik’s office window since March.
Documentation images of the weathering process—along with each episode of A Bad Sign—are archived via the Instagram account:
Thank you to those involved in supporting the art spaces that have hosted previous phases of Weathering: Mustarinda Residency (Hyrynsalmi), Bebetton rooftop (Roihuvuori), and SIC Space (Kannelmäki). Thank you to Taike and SKR for supporting this project. Thank you to Mirjami Schuppert, all Titanik people, and the Arte community for their hospitality and support.
The following images are from the final exhibition at Titanik Galleria from December 2021 - January 2022. Image credits: Johanna Naukkarinen