In collaboration with Wolf Engelen, I worked together with a group of graduation-year Willem de Kooning Academy students for an exhibition at the European Cultural Center in Venice, taking place during the Venice Biennale 2019. Over the course of 6 months, we developed a nonhierarchical, process-based series of performances and related exhibitions.

Visit the project website here: https://ohvenice.hotglue.me/
Read the exhibition text HERE

video still from performance #3: washing. With Kerem Akar, Naomi de Wit, Falkona Rexhepi, Lili Ulrich, and Syree Palm.

from the mud and the slime


Those dying years. It was about language and about what happens when language is uttered. How some things are said with such confidence they almost seem true. How you can adopt a voice to sound at once fraudulent and faithful. Some people use words with such certainty it bears no refute. I’ve never had this relationship to words, always stuck between languages, never grasping one as a tool to be wielded.