Structures of Unfeeling

October 10 - November 7 at BINZ39, Tanzhaus, and ETH Zürich
With: SOHERE (wolf engelen, Vanessa Jane Phaff, Joseph Baan), Joshua Wicke, Luc Häfliger, Brit Barton, Monika Dorniak, Avgi Saketopoulou, Carolina Mendonça, bela, Laura Leupi, and more TBA

Structures of Unfeeling is a performative learning environment that intends to use the exhibition format for the formation of a public culture around sexualised violence. Bringing together a diverse group of practitioners from the fields of contemporary art, education, music, performance, dramaturgy, and academia, who have all in different ways been impacted and inscribed by histories of sexualised violence, Structures of Unfeeling aims to collaboratively find form and voice for the generally unspeakable and unrepresentable nature of sexual trauma. By means of spatial interventions, works of art, a reader, an open-access archive and printing room, seminars with architecture students, a symposium, workshops, and a programme of concerts, night vigils, film screenings, and lectures, the exhibition format provides a diverse and comprehensive environment to foster conversation, collective thinking and making, and a discursive framework to encounter the topic of sexualised violence through aesthetic, material, embodied, and theoretical means.

October 10: vernissage at BINZ39
October 12 - 13: workshop Trauma & Embodiment by Monika Dorniak
October 16: film screening and seminar On Representation
October 23: film screening and seminar On Representation
October 21 – 25: (Un)Safe Spaces seminar week with ETH students
October 26: Noise Night with Luc Häfliger and more TBA
October 26 - 27: symposium Aesthetics of Survival with Avgi Saketopoulou and Carolina Mendonça, curated by Joshua Wicke
October 30: film screening and seminar On Representation
November 2: self defense workshop
November 2: Night Vigil
November 6: film screening and seminar On Representation
November 7: finissage at BINZ39 with a reading by Laura Leupi

from the mud and the slime


Those dying years. It was about language and about what happens when language is uttered. How some things are said with such confidence they almost seem true. How you can adopt a voice to sound at once fraudulent and faithful. Some people use words with such certainty it bears no refute. I’ve never had this relationship to words, always stuck between languages, never grasping one as a tool to be wielded.